Hinge: Final Project for Marketing Strategy Course
The Company: Hinge was founded in 2012 by Justin McLeod, and is a dating app that combats ‘swipe culture’ by creating smart matches and natural conversations among people who are looking for relationships. Hinge is relationship-oriented and is known as the dating app “designed to be deleted.”

Proposal: Hinge is a dating app focused on providing users with relationship-oriented dating options. Hinge’s market opportunity arises from the number of Generation X singles in the United States, coupled with the current scarcity of dating apps targeted towards this demographic. The goal of our propsal is to employ this information to determine how Hinge should penetrate it’s already existing market, and differentiate itself in the dating app market by positioning itself as the go-to dating app for Generation X singles.
Paid Media: Keep their marketing disruption strategy consistent such as billboard advertisements but gear it to Generation X.
Earned Media: Utilize their social media platforms and blogs to highlight success stories.
Owned Media: Enhance the website by making a blog. Change the app interface to be include Hinge hosted events, (research has shown Generation X wants to have more face to face interactions).

The Team
Melissa Eklund, Trevor Hecht, Sarah Jones & Nikky Price