The sustainable fashion market has grown significantly in recent years as response to prevalent environmental and social concerns regarding the production of fashion. Our research looked into the success of the sustainable fashion market particularly relating to millennials, as they are one of the largest consumption segments for fashion. Primarily, our research focuses on what factors are most important to millennials who say that they are interested in sustainability, but do not act upon it when shopping for clothing. Our research also focuses on  which of these factors contributes to the attitude-behavior gap and how to close this gap. Through the use of online surveys, focus group insights, and netnography, this paper explains that millennials are strongly price driven, but also care about sustainability and the impact of their purchase decisions on the environment and society. 
As a result, the most influential way to market to the millennial demographic and eliminate the attitude behavior gap is for brands to consistently market the sustainable aspects of their products and continue to educate consumers. In addition, millennials would be more motivated to purchase sustainably if the government required all brands to publish information regarding their environmental and social footprint. This way consumers are able to compare the benefits and costs of individual items, which encourages them to purchase the sustainable option, regardless of price difference. We also recommend that brands implement recycling or upcycling incentives, similar to thrift initiatives, to appeal to consumers who are interested in sustainable fashion and subsequently purchase less clothing.
Team Members:
Jenna Buchan, Claire Moosberg, Jessica Peyton, Nikky Price 

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